Yalta – Babylonia, 3rd century CE

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Yalta came from a distinguished family and was married to Rabbi Nachman. her father was an eminent Amora and the head of the Jewish community in Babylon, known as the Exilarch. Yalta was highly educated, but also enjoyed the pleasures of life. One day, Ulla came to the home of Rabbi Nachman. he ate some bread, recited grace after eating and gave the cup of blessing to Rabbi Nachman. Rabbi Nachman said to him: “Pass the cup of blessing to Yalta as well.” Ulla said to him: “The fruit of a woman’s body is blessed only from the fruit of a man’s body.” When Yalta heard that, she got up in a rage, went to the wine cellar and broke four hundred barrels of wine. Rabbi Nachman said to him: Let the Master send her another cup.” Ulla said to him: “Let her take wine from the barrels…” Yalta retorted with a saying in Aramaic: “Idle talk comes from itinerant peddlers, and lice from rags.”

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