Video Installation screen 5: Efrat Rotem

Video Installation screen 5: Efrat Rotem

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I’m Rabbi Efrat Rotem, a Reform rabbi living in Tel Aviv.
I grew up in Ra’anana and I’ve been a lesbian since I was around 20, that’s when I came out of the closet.
I was raised in a secular home although in Israel I don’t know what that really means, I always felt that my family had a history, a Judaism of its own.
When I grew older, around the age of 30, I started asking questions about my Judaism and when I got into Judaism I came from the queer ethos, from feminism, from the critical ethos, from a very open-minded approach to what I should take on and what I should leave out. And that freedom came from my sexual and gender identity.
My Judaism today is exactly that, it’s a place with lots of freedom and joy and choice and inspiration that comes from many different sources.