Video Installation screen 3: Yifat Ben Shoshan

Video Installation screen 3: Yifat Ben Shoshan

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hello, my name is Yifat, I’m from a moshav called Netiv HaAsara in the Gaza envelope.
My parents immigrated to Israel from Morocco in the ’50s, due to the Zionist imperative, and the knowledge that Jews have a country,
and took part in founding two agricultural settlements,
one at the Rafah region, and one near the border with the Gaza strip. This way they carried out the mitzvah of settling the land in both its senses. Over the years, my parents cultivated vegetables, strawberries and flowers.
My Judaism manifests in a connection to Israel
and in working the land. We, the second generation of the moshav movement, understand we must cherish the founding generation, our parents’ generation, and cultivate the next generation of farmers.
It’s not easy being a young farmer in Israel. We must make agriculture a proud profession once more.