Video Installation screen 1: henriette Dahan Kalev

Video Installation screen 1: henriette Dahan Kalev

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hello, I’m henriette Dahan Calev,
I come from a Moroccan home that combined the traditional with the modern in a sophisticated way, an urban home where we made Kiddush, kept Shabbat and kept kosher, but my father went to soccer games and my mother didn’t cover her hair.
The emphasis was on Jewish values.
My mother always said that the important thing is to be a good person, as a person, not only as a Jew. and that’s how I was raised. I was raised not necessarily to keep the religious laws strictly, and I ended up in a world that…In Israeli society there’s a lot of tension, a lot of divisiveness, but none of that threatens my Judaism since my Judaism is deep,
deep inside me and I’m at peace with it.

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