The Planters,

Yehezkel Kimchi (1918-1994)
The Planters, 1947
Oil on canvas
Courtesy of Mishkan Museum of Art, Ein Harod

Must Know

Yehezkel Kimchi was a Polish artist who was a member of Jewish artist communities in both Poland and Israel. His art reflected his years as a Jew in the diaspora as well as a Jew in the kibbutzim of early Israel, often depicting youth movements and farm life.

More Info

During his early years as an artist Yehezkel Kimchi participated in young Jewish artist exhibitions across Poland. After serving for the Red Army during World War I, Kimchi joined the Hashomer Hatzair Jewish youth movement in Lodz, Poland, with the intention of eventually getting to Israel. During his time in Hashomer Hatzair Kimchi was an active organiser and leader, in 1946 organising an exhibition dedicated to the Holocaust and its aftermath – of which he took part in with his art.

In 1947 he made Aliyah to Israel in the second wave of Jewish Aliyah from Europe on a boat. During his time in the Israel kibbutz and moshavim (the early Zionist Israeli settlements) Kimchi worked as a book illustrator for the Poalim Library (Worker’s Library) which was one of the first publishing houses of the Kibbutz era. he passed away in his home in May 9, 1994.

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