The Adventures of Jerry Lewis

The Adventures of Jerry Lewis
DC Comics
USA, 1969
Museum Collection

Must Know

Jerry Lewis (1926-2017) was born Joseph Levitch in New Jersey. he began performing in nightclubs when he was in his twenties and was widely known for his slapstick humor. Throughout his extensive career, Lewis appeared in over forty films, twelve of which he also directed. His most popular films include The Bellboy (1960) and The Nutty Professor (1963).

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The Borscht Belt
A large share of Jewish humor in the United States originated in the Borscht Belt – an area in the Catskill Mountains in New York State which was a popular venue for comedy acts in the 1940’s and 1950’s. The comedians, most of whom were Jewish, performed in hotels owned by other Jews. During that period, around 600 comedians performed in the Borscht Belt, including some who later became household names – like Danny Kaye, who played the role of a tummler who comically fends off the guests’ complaints about the food and the service, and Jerry Lewis, who as a waiter would amuse guests by intentionally dropping trays. And there were also Max Liebman, Sid Caesar, Woody Allen, Mel Brooks, Neil Simon and Carl Reiner, who used their experiences from the Catskills to create shows and series that dominated American television.