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Mendele Moykher Sforim, “The Travels of Benjamin the Third”
“As for the residents of Tuneyadevka, most, if not all, are extremely poor and awful beggars – may the same thing not happen to you. But everyone admits that they are happy paupers, good-hearted beggars and strangely confident people.”
Micha Josef Berdyczewski, “Beyond the River”
“And the market is a large area full of boxes and boards as well as tilting tents. Farmers pass through with laden and empty wagons. All the choice products and fruits of the land are spread out on the ground, and around them are women shoppers, idle boys going back and forth…”
Shalom Aleichem, “The Town of the Little People”
“The town of the little people, to which I now take you dear reader, is located exactly in the middle of the blessed Pale, into which Jews have been packed like herring in a barrel, and have been commanded to be fruitful and multiply.”
Isaac Bashevis Singer, “13 Tlomackie, Warsaw – The Writers’ Association”
“All of Poland’s contemporary Jews have congregated here and come to the Writers’ Club – authors and journalists, Zionist Sejm delegates, Bund leaders, members of the Poalei Zion parties, right and left, all kinds of communist correspondents, propagandists and sundry functionaries…impresarios, directors and publishers. Also a group of orthodox journalists…Jewish painters and sculptors and even a number of teachers…”