Text: All the World’s a Stage

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At the beginning of the 20th century, many of the people who worked in German theater were Jewish. They were instrumental in creating the cabaret and expressionist theater, whose most prominent figure was Max Reinhardt. The first Yiddish professional theater in Europe, which was founded by Avram Goldfaden in Romania in 1876, is also worthy of note. The golden age of Yiddish theater did not, however, emerge in Europe, but rather in New York, after around two million Jewish immigrants made it their home.
Jacob James Sanua was one of the most important and influential people in theater in the Arab world. he was often called “the Moliere of Egypt.”
In the Soviet Union, the Moscow Jewish State Theater (in short, GOSET) was founded in 1919, whose lead actor was Shloyme Mikhoels. Stalin ordered him to be executed in 1948 and soon after that the theater shut down.