Picture: The Marx Brothers

The Marx Brothers

Must Know

Leonard, Adolph, Julius, Milton, Herbert Marx Five American brothers who appeared in vaudeville sketches, movies and television shows that influenced decades of creators. Born in Germany into a family of Jewish artists that immigrated to New York. Started in vaudeville and then moved to Broadway, live performances and movies. Especially famous were the three brothers: the cynic Groucho (Julius Henry Marx, (1890-1977) with his perpetual cigar, moustache and heavily drawn eyebrows; the dumb Harpo (Adolph Arthur Marx, 1888-1964) who played the harp; and Chico (Leonard Marx, 1887-1961) who spoke with an Italian accent and played the piano. Amongst their best loved films: Duck Soup (1933), A Night at the Opera (1935) and A Night in Casablanca (1946).