Picture: Shahar and Shirly Bakshi with their children, Yakir Zion, Avishag Sara, Noa, Ori

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״The jew has his anchorage not in place but in time, in his highly developed sense of history as personal context” – George Steiner
Shahar and Shirly Bakshi with their children, Yakir Zion, Avishag Sara, Noa, Ori

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My wife and my wedding was arranged. We are from the same neigborhood. We did now know each other before. I saw her arrive to the synagogue where her father is the Gabay and I was the right hand man of the Rabbi.
I asked the Rabbi for support and to get to know and meet her, we went out and already on the 4th meeting, within 2 weeks, I asked her to marry me and she agreed.
Connection to Judaism: She is Dossit (Haredi Jew). her parents are baalei tshuva (converted from secular Jusaidm back to orthodox Judaism) before her birth. I am from a traditional family (we were not shomrei Shabbat etc. at home just traditional). I became ba’al tshuvah when my father got sick. SInce then, I guided my family (before my marriage) towards the core of Judaism – Shabbath, Kosher eating, prayers etc. By the time of my marriage I was already devout and religious.
My wife is a special needs kindergarden teacher. I am an army lawyer.
The feeling is very pleasant. It’s touching, feeling proud, a sense of belonging to the prestigious museum. A feeling of representing and shock at the largness and position of the photo in the museum.
We are promoting the museum in every conversation after our visit and have sent there hundreds of families.
We thank the “Anu’ musum on the respect they have given us.
We are very happy with the photo that was chosen and recieve many complements on on it. I am personally less pleased with the way I turned out but not because of the photograph. It’s harder to recognize me with the hat at first glance. But it’s alright and thanks.

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