Picture: followers of Shabbetai Zevi Floor 2 Floor 2 "Poles, Lithuanians, Ottomans (16th -18th Century CE)" (2.4) "Poles, Lithuanians, Ottomans (16th -18th Century CE)" (2.4) Exhibit 2.4.32 Exhibit 2.4.32 Torture and Self-Mortification that Followers of Shabbetai Zevi Subjected Themselves To in Order to Atone for Their Sins c. 1700, reprinted in The Jewish encyclopedia, 1901-1906 Themes and Connections: 1700, 18th Century, 1900, 20th century, followers, Shabtai Zevi, torture ← Text: quate → Handwritten Letter by Shabbetai Zevi