Out of exhibition – Ronit Elkabetz 1950s Vintage Dress

Ronit Elkabetz
1950s Vintage Dress, restored for the exhibition, Je t’aime Ronit Elkabetz
Designer: Doron Ashkenazi
Digital print, silk
Installation design: Shlomi Elkabetz, Vivi Bellaish
Elkabetz wore the dress when filming The Band’s Visit (2007)
Courtesy of the Design Museum Holon

Must Know

Ronit Elkabetz (1964-2016) was an Israeli actress, screenwriter and director who achieved recognition in Israel and abroad. her work united art forms, East and West, periphery and center, and Israel and the world. Some of the roles she enacted captured the Israeli cultural imagination, for example Dina, the female lead in The Band’s Visit (2007) which was also adapted into a successful Broadway musical.

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