Interactive: Benjamin of Tudela

Benjamin of Tudela was a famous Jewish traveler who lived in the Middle Ages. Although those were days when most people did not go far from home, and not even to the nearby town, he would embark on long journeys full of adventures and challenges. he traveled through countries and continents in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. he crossed the ocean on ships and rode on camels and donkeys when on land.
he kept a detailed journal of his travels, which was written in hebrew. he described the countries he passed through, the Jews living in different communities, and important people he met along the way. he also wrote about the customs of the people living in the countries he visited and gave an account of the buildings and markets he saw.

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His travels took Benjamin of Tudela to the following places:
1. Marseille, France – 300 Jews living in two separate congregations, along the seashore
and in the castle above
2. Otranto, Southern Italy – 500 Jews
3. Crissa, Greece – 200 Jews
4. Thebes, Greece – 2,000 Jews, silk and purple cloth manufacturers
5. Constantinople – 200 Jews, 500 Karaites, silk artisans and traders
6. Rhodes – 400 Jews
7. Cyprus – Jewish Rabbanites and Karaites
8. Tyre – 500 Jews, mariners and glassmakers
9. Sidon – 20 Jews
10. Jerusalem – 200 Jews, painters
11. Baghdad – 40,000 Jews from the Land of Israel; there were ten yeshivas in the city
12. Yemen – 300,000 Jews, including robbers who steal together with their Arab neighbors
13. Fustat, Egypt – 7,000 Jews

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