Fritz Greenbaum’s satirical journal The False Truth

Fritz Greenbaum’s satirical journal The False Truth
Vienna, 1915
Museum Collection

Must Know

Fritz Greenbaum (1880-1941) was a well-known cabaret artist in Vienna and Berlin. he began working in entertainment in 1906 at Vienna’s Cabaret Souterrain. His career peaked in 1920-1938 when he appeared in Cabarets in Berlin and ran the famous Simpl Cabaret in Vienna.
His performances included satire directed at all levels of society and at the Nazi Party in Germany. In 1938 when Austria was annexed by Germany, Greenbaum and his wife, Lily herzl, were seized by the Nazis as they tried to escape from the country. Greenbaum was held at the Dachau Concentration Camp, to which he was returned after his transfer to Buchenwald. Even in the concentration camp he managed to organize cabarets and entertain the prisoners

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