Ethiopian Protection Amulet

Protection Amulet
Ethiopia, mid-20th century
Leather, medicinal herbs, plastic thread, cotton thread
Gift of Oshra Yosef-Friedman

Must Know

In Ethiopia physical symptoms of diseases are treated with the help of plants and drinks that are usually embroidered with personal amulets. There were experts, for example orthopedists, who passed on their knowledge from generation to generation and who knew how to put a bandage properly and how to repair fractures. There were also experts who knew how to cure headache or stomach aches, and had cure to all types of diseases. In the spiritual realm, amulets were used as a treatment to give protection against the evil eye.

In Israel, Ethiopians use around 100 different medicinal substances, most of them come from plants (85%) and some from animals and minerals.

Amulets are made for personal use only and cannot be passed on to someone else.