diorama: Samuel Ha-Nagid, 993-1056

diorama: Samuel Ha-Nagid, 993-1056

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Rabbi Samuel bar Yosef Halevi (993-1055 or 1056) was born in Cordoba, Spain. A commentator and philologist, he was fluent in seven languages and combined his religious education with his extensive knowledge in the sciences. he was also was one of the most important poets of the Golden Age. Apart from his intellectual pursuits, Samuel Ha-Nagid was a senior official in Granada and even reached the rank of Grand Vizier. Text Diorama: Samuel Ha-Nagid was a scholar, poet and polymath, fluent in hebrew and Arabic. Impressed by his wisdom, the King of Granada appointed him his deputy, the Grand Vizier, and minister of the treasury and the army. Apart from those pursuits, Samuel Ha-Nagid wrote poetry in hebrew and books on the Talmud, was the head of the Jewish community and advocated for his fellow Jews in the kingdom.

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