Capital Decorated with Crosses

Capital Decorated with Crosses
Eretz Israel, unknown location,
4th-7th century CE
Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority

The cross is one of the oldest symbols in human culture. Since the 2nd century it symbolises Jesus Christ and Christianity. Its use as a decorative element became popular in the 4th century, with the dissemination of Christianity and its formal adoption by the Roman Empire marking the beginning go the Byzantine (or Eastern Roman) Empire.

Must Know

This capital resembles the decorative and bell-shaped head of corinthian columns that were used by the Roman Empire and used the most by ancient Romans. Originally from ancient Greece, this capitol is found on the foundational columns of Roman buildings and allows for visual signs and symbols to be included into the architecture itself.The cross did not only serve as a popular symbol during the time of the Roman Empire, it also became a political weapon. Through the integrating of religious symbols like the cross into Roman architecture, the image of Christianity and divinity was able to be reflected onto the image of Roman emperors and their empire – emperors being made to look like divine and powerful leaders.

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