Released in Germany in 1927, Metropolis, a film directed by Fritz Lang and produced by Erich Pommer, is about a fictional city controlled by robots. Even though it was a box office failure, Metropolis later became a cinematic classic whose influence on the science fiction genre is still felt today.
Must Know
Austrian-German-American filmmaker and screenwriter, considered one of the greatest creators in the history of German and American film. Born Friedrich Christian Anton Lang in Vienna, to a Catholic father and a converted Jewish mother. After studying art in Munich and Paris, he returned to Germany, served in World War I and suffered from shell shock. In 1919, he directed his first successful film, Die Spinnen (The Spiders) followed by some of the most famous silent films in German expressionist cinema. Lang immigrated to the U.S. when the Nazis took power, where he directed over 20 films, including the iconic and groundbreaking Metropolis (1927) and M (1931).